Tuesday 16 October 2012

Manu Day 6: Lakes

A quick canoe ride early in the morning was followed by a short walk to Cocha Otorongo (Jaguar Lake), which has a view point across the lake and a small observation tower.  The tower was made considerably more interesting when we discovered it contained a wasp's nest.  I beat a hasty retreat to ground level . . .

Hoatzins; also known as stinky birds as they smell dreadful and are inedible

White caiman in the river

Turtle stack

Back to camp and there was time to relax before lunch, chatting with Marcey and Tab, watching butterflies and watching Tab and Ben taking photos of the bats hiding in the cabin eves.  Trying to nap in the heat of the day after lunch we were disturbed by rustling in the dry leave round our cabin; a big green and brown lizard went straight under our hut and off again, clearly on a mission to somewhere.

Our rustic cabin in the rainforest

The bat hiding in the cabin eve

Late in the afternoon we headed back to Cocha Salvador, seeing more monkeys and a macaw on the way.   After we had loaded onto the catamaran a troop of monkeys came into a nearby tree to have their dinner; so close that we could see their squabbles over the best food.

Capuchin monkey on the hunt for dinner

The sunset was spectacular, the lake serene and calm

Moth snow - the flash revealed just how many moths and bugs there were

The nearly full moon was bright as the black caimans were spotted by torchlight, their reflective eyes giving them away.

Black caiman

It was a loooong walk back to camp as Marcey and Ben were so engrossed with all the creepy crawlies we spotted by torchlight.  Back to camp at 8:30 for a late dinner, we were all tired but happy.

Small but colourful spider

Big, furry and busy spider; web construction

White St John's cross spider; the design attracts insects into the web

Very strange and rare cicada;
looked more like a deep sea monster than an insect

Shy tree boa

 Scorpion spider; half scorpion, half spider, all poisonous (and a bit scary)

Scorpion; all scorpion, all poisonous, definitely scary

Beautiful frog

Intricately textured tree frog

Amazingly camouflaged leaf frog

Stunning, huge moth

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